Footsteps - Jotaro's Travels
Western Australian Art Along The Perth-Margaret River Route
The "Egg" at Mandurah Marina |
Prevelly, Busselton, Bunbury, Mandurah in Western Australia - August 2019
On a multi-mode cycling tour of Perth and it's vincity (meaning we drove, cycled and took trains) we passed by several town such as Margaret
River, Prevelly, Busselton, Bunbury & Mandurah. Along the way we stopped to visit several interesting spots where we got to appreciate some artwork at randomn places. Below are many of the paintings we saw, click on the respective photo for a better enlarged view. Due to photography angle, and for presentation purposes, many of photos have been cropped and edited to compensate for low lighting. It is better to go there and see these artworks for yourself. Enjoy!
Batman, Robin and Batgirl riding a choo-choo train; the culvert drain holes had conveniently become the wheels of the train.
On a quieter road off State Route 10, near Bunbury.
"It takes courage to swim alone! ...".
Interesting artwork made from recycled materials by Karen Lee Sibly seen on the walls of the White Elephant at Gnarabup Beach. More of her artwork can be seen at The Store @ gnarabup. were. This one is a deep sea fish made from old forks, a wine bottle opener, wires and discarded wood. It's chasing a poor little fish made from an old key!
"Shark! Don't go into the water today..."
Interesting artwork made from recycled materials by Karen Lee Sibly seen on the walls of the White Elephant at Gnarabup Beach. More of her artwork can be seen at The Store @ gnarabup. were. This one is a shark made from old wood board, discarded knives, and wires.
"A Spanner Crab... little nipper"
Interesting artwork made from recycled materials by Karen Lee Sibly seen on the walls of the White Elephant at Gnarabup Beach. More of her artwork can be seen at The Store @ gnarabup. were. This one is a small crab made from spanners, allen keys, box spanners, old keys and old timber boards.
Metal plate art by by Simon James. (2013) seen along the Prevelly-Gnanarup path at the hill behind the Riflebutts Reserve.
A 2013 art piece by Russell Sheridian who stated "Eurybia sits as the mascot of the headland, representing mastery over the seas. She also personifies human vulnerability and exhibits the excitement/fear of the challenge out there in the sea".
"Vous Vous Vagary"

To appreciate the life-size scale of the murals, here's a Google Map screen capture showing how awesome the life-size whale murals look from high up. The top-most one is the Blue Whale and the black dot on its back is the enlarged shadow of a man.
At the Busselton Jetty information centre, a bronze statue of a young girl wrapped in a towel. She stands perched on a ship’s bollard as she looks out towards the Indian Ocean with a little smile on her face. Sculptor Nicole Mickle. Mold Maker Alex Mickle.
Orange Giant Squid.
Playground equipment made from welded metal pipes & rods representing the tail of Moby Dick, the giant white sperm whale that on the ship's previous voyage bit off Ahab's leg at the knee. A tale from the 1851 novel by American writer Herman Melville. The book is sailor Ishmael's narrative of the obsessive quest of Ahab, captain of the whaling ship Pequod, for revenge on Moby Dick. Seen at childrens playground next to the Busselton Jetty.
Chef cooking a stew.
Chef cookin a sauce.
The Globe.
An multi-facet egg Mandurah Marina, with each facade showing Aborigine art depicting marine life. It's part of the Mandurah Marina Art Trail.
The Globe.
An multi-facet egg Mandurah Marina, with each facade showing Aborigine art depicting marine life. It's part of the Mandurah Marina Art Trail.
The Globe.
An multi-facet egg Mandurah Marina, with each facade showing Aborigine art depicting marine life. It's part of the Mandurah Marina Art Trail.
Lobster & Crab.