
Friday, March 7, 2014

YummY! - Beef Noodles @ Restoran Argyle

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                                           YummY!                                           Jotaro's Food Review     
Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - February 2014
We were cycling a Super Loop of at least 80 km. around Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya when Tailim (of the hApPy HaPpY blogs) took us to Argyle Restaurant in Jalan Ipoh for an early lunch to pump up our energy for what lies ahead. There are many stalls selling various eats here, but Tailim highly recommended the beef noodles.

My..... what a BIG POT of beef soup! This beef noodles must be Gooooood!

Close up, the pot of soup looks murky, like muddy water. Doesn't look appetizing. But don't let this turn you away; and take the size of the pot as a big hint of how good it is (we will come to my opinion on the food later, though). The soup is made from beef tripe, some ribs and chunks for beef.

Surprisingly, the stall offer a fairly wide range of ingredients to choose from:
From beef trip to various types of balls (yes... balls... fish ball, pork ball, beef ball). Even pork tripe is available! So note please, the food is non-halal.
To go with these, one can select yellow noodles, keow teow, vermicelli, etc.

Our orders arriving and our stomachs were growling for us to dig in. The soup don't look muddy now!

Beef Keow Teow Soup with slices of beef and beef tripe.

Oooh.... doesn't the slices of beef look tender and juicily succulent?

This one is a mixes of beef tripe and pork tripe (large intestine, stomach).

My favourite - beef tendons! Cooked until their are soft and chewy.

So was it good?
Frankly, I would have preferred the soup to be less murky, perhaps they could have filtered the soup. I believe too many ingredients have been thrown in to make the soup until somehow it lacks that adequate beefy flavour.
Still it is one of the better beef noodles that I have tried. So it was no wasted effort in cycling here for these noodles.

Other dishes we tried here - a combo plate of pak cham kai (boiled chicken), barbecued & roast pork.

A plate of delicious looking Char Keow Teow with good sized prawns. By KL standards this was quite good.

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