
Monday, October 21, 2013

Art Gallery Of NSW : 20th & 21st Century Australian Art

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Art Gallery Of New South Wales : 20th & 21st Century Australian Art
 September 2013
Portrait of Margaret Olley
- oil on linen by Ben Quilty (2011)
The Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney houses many fine pieces of artwork, too many to be put into a single blog. I have put them into various blogs, roughly following the sectional galleries of the the Gallery. Bear in mind, that nothing beat seeing these artwork life; so when you have the opportunity, head for this art gallery.

Entrance to the Art Gallery Of New South Wales
This one is on 20th & 21st Century Art by Australian painters. Beside each painting are labels showing the title of the painting, the painter's name and sometimes a brief history of the painter's life.

Sir No Beard
- oil on canvas by Daniel Boyd (2007)

- polymer paint on canvas by Vernon Ah Kee (2009)

- oil on wood by Alexander Rodchenko (1918)

Three Bathers
- oil on canvas by Ernst Ludwig KIRCHNER (1913)

Mother And Daughter
- oil on canvas by Max Beckmann (1946)

The Red Roofs (Landscape)
- oil on canvas by Maurice de Vlaminck (1912)

- poymer paint on canvas by Lesley Dumbrell (1977)

Brazil No. 4
- polymer paint on canvas by David Aspden (1971)

Jasper's Gesture
- polymer paint & wax on canvas by Tony Mc Gillick (1966)

- painted wood, mixed media by Colin Lancely (1964)

Truck & Trailer Approaching A City
- polymer paint on canvas by Jeffrey Smart (1973)

Bus Terminus
- polymer paint & oil on canvas by Jeffrey Smart (1973)

Central Station II
- polymer paint & oil on canvas by Jeffrey Smart (1974-75)

The Mockers
- oil on canvas by Arthur Boyd (1945)

The Expulsion
- oil on hardboard by Arthur Boyd (1947-48)

Syncopation No 5
- oil on board by Peter Upward (1959)

Interior With Wardrobe Mirror
- oil on canvas on paperboard by Grace Crossington Smith (1955)

Painting No 9
- polymer paint on hardboard by Ralph Balson (1959)

Still Life With Lute
- oil, pen and black ink on canvas on hardboard by Godfrey Miller (c1954-56)

- oil on paper on hardboard by Jean Bellette (1944)

Three Dancers
- oil on canvas by Francis Lymburner (1947)

- oil on canvas on hardboard by Herbert McClintock aka Max Ebert (1939)

Desert Landscape
- oil on canvas by Russell Drysdale (1952)

Sydney Harbour
- oil on canvas by John D Moore (1936)

The Idle Hour
- oil on canvas on hardboard by Arthur Murch (1933)

- oil on canvas on wood by William Dobell (1931)

Still Life No. 2
- oil on hardboard by Michael Shannon (1957)

Portrait Of Grace Crowley
- oil on canvas on hardboard by Ralph Balson (1939)

The Crucifixion
- oil on paperboard by Roy de Maistre (1945)

- oil on canvas on hardboard by Roy d Maistre (c1952)

The Red Boat
- oil on paperboard by Roy de Maistre (1934)

Femme a l'ombrelle
- oil on linen canvas by John Power (1927)

Portrait Of Fred Coventry
- oil on canvas on hardboard by William Dobell (c1932)

Mrs Victor White
- oil on canvas by Roy d Maistre (c1938)

- oil on canvas by Arthur Murch (1933)

- oil on cardboard by George Bell (1934)

Spring Frost
- oil on canvas by Elioth Gruner (1919)

To see artwork from other sections of the gallery Click Here.

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