
Monday, October 9, 2017

YummY! - Authentic Sitiawan Hockchew Food @ Kuai Kuai Lai( 快快来茶餐厅)

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                        Footsteps - Jotaro's Travels                       

Authentic Sitiawan Hockchew Food @ Kuai Kuai Lai( 快快来茶餐厅)

Kampung Koh, Sitiawan, Perak, Malaysia - August 2017
We were on the third day of our Kuala Lumpur to Penang cycling tour heading towards Sitiawan when our ride leader Sin made a short detour to Kampung Koh. Sitiawan is home to many Hockchews and here in Kanpung Koh is where one will find good and authentic Hockchew street food.

As we approached Kedai Makan Kua Kua Lai (which means Quickly Come), we natutrally sped up a bit and quickened our pace. The first thing that caught our eyes was this young fellow frying something on the street under a large parasol.

This was what he was cooking: deep-fried prawn fritters!
Slowling turning them over as they turned a golden brown.

The prawn fritters here comes with a couple of small prawns cooked together with the batter.

Although I did find the edges to crispy hard, the centre was nicely breadish and nice to bite into. And guess what codiment to go with these fritter.... Yes, none other the the renown Kampung Koh Chilli-garlic sauce... oh... yeah!

While there one should not miss their Lor Mee, not becuase it is nice.... and it wasn't in a way (but I will come to that later) ... but because it's really authentic Hockchew style, which is not easily found elswhere.

The gravy is thic and adequately starchy and most interesting was that it's cooked with young bamboo shoots which are slightly pickled. The shoot have been washed throughly but somehow a slight stench of "urine" still lingered on. Also unlike Lor Mee from elsewhere, there was not need to add a garlic-vinegar codiment... the pickled shoots just add that sourish taste. Together with the ureaic smell and sourish taste, the lor mee does take a while to get used too. Perhaps it's an acquired taste, and after a few mouthfuls one get used to the odd flavours and start whalloping in larger mouthfuls.

They do sell Assam Laksa too, this may not be as good as the Penang ones, but still they were pretty savoury.
The locals here like a dish that's called Lu-Lak which is a combo of their Lor Mee and tjhe laksa.... yes, that one is also another dish of acquired tastes.

To one side of the stall was a huge pot of vegetable curry looking so delicious that we just have to try it.

It was really good curry, sweet with light, creamy santan and with the vegetable just nicely soft.

We were happiyly enjoying the curry whe we notcied the local coming to take-away packets of the curry together with packets of fried noodles. Apparently, these two are supposed to be eaten together.... Hah! Another learning lesson in Hockchew food!

And don't miss these two also - deep fried tofu stuffed with fresh stips of turnips and carrots; and their deep-fried spring rolls.

Kedai Makan Kuai Kuai Lai( 快快来茶餐厅)
47-65, Jalan 5, Kampung Koh, 32000 Sitiawan, Perak, Malaysia.
Hours: 8:00am to 6:30pm (Opens Everyday)

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