
Monday, June 26, 2017

Art Gallery - Rijksmuseum Second Floor Gallery 07: Furniture & Decorations Pt. 2

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                    Footsteps - Jotaro's Travels                        
Rijksmuseum Second Floor Gallery 07: Furniture & Decorations Pt. 2
Amsterdam, Netherlands - September 2016
Nautilus cups -  from Germany, nautilus shell, silver (c.1600); and from Netherlands, nautilus shell, sivler gilt (c.1590).
The Rijksmuseum was founded in The Hague in 1800 and moved to Amsterdam in 1808, where it was first located in the Royal Palace. The current main building was designed by Pierre Cuypers and first opened its doors in 1885. It is one of the most visited museum in the Netherlands and with record numbers of 2.2 million and 2.47 million visitors. It is also the largest art museum in the country. I was most fortunate to visit it while on a tour of Europe.
These here are artwork from the second  floor galleries.
These are the photos taken of the artwork at the museum; for presentation purposes and due to photography angle, many of these have been cropped and edited to compensate for low lighting. It is better to visit the museum as nothing beats seeing the originals.

This blog comes in several pages, this is page eight of eleven of the second floor galleries and displays interesting furniture/clothing pieces made by Dutch and other artists. Click below to navigate to other sections:
Go to 2nd Flr 07 Pt.1        |           Go To 2nd Flr Main          |       Go to 2nd Flr 08 >

For better navigation and orientation of the Rijksmuseum, below is the Second Floor layout plan:

Below are the artwork, for an enlarged view click on the respective photo; most of these works did not have any attribution to the artists who made them. Enjoy!
Wooden toilet caskets - softwood and oak verneered with tortoise shell, brass and pewter, gilt bronze by André-Charles Boulle (c.1685-1690).

Close up view of one of the Wooden toilet casket - softwood and oak verneered with tortoise shell, brass and pewter, gilt bronze by André-Charles Boulle (c.1685-1690).

Gilded Silver Cup & Cover (the figure on top represents Enkhuizen, the cover shows this seaport on the Zuiderzee - perhaps made in the Netherlands of gilded silver, owned by Charlotte de Bourbon (c.1575-1580).

Wooden Console Clock - oak veneered with tortoise shell and brass, gilt bronze made in Paris by Isidore & Guillaume Champion (c.1715-1730).

Wooden Cupboard - oak veneered with ebony and mother of pearl made by Herman Doomer (c.1635-1645).

Pair of Blue Ming porcelain flower pyramids - tin-glazed earthenware (faience) made in Delft by Lambertus van Eenhoorn (c.1710-1720).

Blue Ming porcelain flower pyramid - tin-glazed earthenware (faience) made in Delft by Lambertus van Eenhoorn (c.1710-1720).

Close up view of a Blue Ming porcelain flower pyramid - tin-glazed earthenware (faience) made in Delft by Lambertus van Eenhoorn (c.1710-1720).

Wooden armchair with tapestry upholstery - perhaps made in Gouda by Abraham Adriaensz Goossenson (c.1660-1675).

Ewer & Basin - made in The Hague by Jonas Gutsche (1670).

Nautilus cups in the form of an ostrich - (1) made in South Germany (c.1550-1600); (2) made of nautilus shell, silver gilt, amethysts in Breslau by Joachim Hiller (1600).

Close view of the Nautilus cup in the form of an ostrich - made of nautilus shell, silver gilt, amethysts in Breslau by Joachim Hiller (1600).

Wager cup (the archer on top was spun and when he stopped, his arrow pointed to the person who have to give a toast) - made of silver in Deventer by Gerrit Jacobsen (c.1625).

Celestial Globe Cup - made of silver, perhaps in Venice, after a model by Christoph Jamnitzer (c.1650).

Canon of the Amsterdam Admiralty - bronze, copper, tin, lead & iron made in Amsterdam by Gerrit Koster (1615).

Ewer in the shape of a triton and a nereid - silver gilt statue made in Augsburg by Johannes Lencker (c.1629).

Table clock in the shape of a tower - gilt copper & bronze made in Strasbourg by Richard Ledertz (c.1640).

Enamel cup with gold trimmings - gold, enamel cup made in Augsburg. Painted decoration by Georg Lotter, etchings by Johann Wilhelm Baur (c.1660).

Bottom up view of above enamel cup; the foot and stem represents an island with a pollard tree. Orpheus is leaning against it's trunk. The bowl is ornamented with scenes from Ovid's Metamorphoses.

Salt cellars - silver, parcel gilt , made by Johannes Lutma (c.1639).

Silver trowel to mark the laying of the foundation stone of the Town Hall in Dam Square, Amsterdam - silverware by Johannes Lutma (1648).

Silver ewer & basin showing how the earth (the goddess Ceres) triumphs over the sea (the god Neptune) - silverware by Johannes Lutma (1647).

Three Ming blue plaques from a column - porcelain made in Delft at De Grieksche A by Adrianus Kocx based on design by Daniel Marot (1690).

Table automaton in the form of Diana on a stag (This is an expensive toy for the entertainment of dinner guests. It has wheels and a mechanism to move it forward, the head of the stag can be removed and its body filled with wine. The guest in front of whom Diana stops may take the first drink)  - parcel gilt and polychrome silverware made in Augsburg by Jacob Miller I (1613-1615).

"Hansel in the Cellar" (Beneath the knight's feet is an opening. When the dish is filled with drink, Hansel - a tiny baby - rises up. In the 17th century wealthy people uses such dishes to announce the forthcoming birth of a child) - parcel gilt silverware made in Groningen by Focko Raerda (1669-1770).

Beaker? (From a distance this beaker looks like a book bound in leather. But it is a deceptive illusion, complete with book clasps and a handsomely embellished front and back cover. The opening for drinking is at the top, just behind the book's spine) - glazed stoneware by Raeran (c.1600-1615).

Vase with story of Diana and Actaeon - enamel on copper made in Limoges by Pierre Raymond (c.1550).

Coupe With Medallions of Figures of Gods - enamel on copper made in Limoges by Pierre Raymond (c.1550).

Globe cups - parcel-gilt silver made in Nuremberg by Christoph Ritter (c.1645-1651).

Silver gilt jug In shape of a war elephant (The turret manned by soldiers can be unscrewed and the body of the elephant filled with wine) - silver gilt made in Nuremberg by Christoph Ritter (c.1615).

Oak cabinet of Amalia von Solms - oak veneered with tortoise shell and ivory, the base veneered with rosewood and ivory; made in The Hague by Wilhelm de Rots (c.1652-1657).

Turban Shell Cup - silver gilt made in Nuremberg by Jörg Ruel (c.1600-1625).

Goblet with cameos - silver gilt, cameos made in Antwerp by Abraham Valckx (c.1625-1626).

Ewer & basin with scenes of land & sea battles during the Eighty Years' War - gilt silverware by Adam van Vianen (1614).

Lidded ewer - gilt silverware by Adam van Vianen (1614).

Salt cellars with satyrs - silverware by Adam van Vianen (1621,1622).

Portico & pediment from the Huydecoper hose - oak woodwork by Philips Vinckboons (1639).

Coconut cup  - coconut, silver gilt by Evert Willems (1609-1610).

This blog comes in several pages, this is page eight of eleven of the second floor galleries and displays interesting furniture/clothing pieces made by Dutch and other artists. Click below to navigate to other sections:
Go to 2nd Flr 07 Pt.1        |           Go To 2nd Flr Main          |       Go to 2nd Flr 08 >


Museumstraat 1 1071 XX Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Telephone: +31 (0) 20 6747 000     | Email: 
Hours: Friday to Wednesday -  9:00am to 5:00pm
Admission price: €17.50 for adults; click here for more admission pricing.
Webpage:     |     Email:
GPS: 52.35999, 4.88521
(Click here for Google Street View)

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