
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sites : Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion (1stFloor), Penang, Malaysia

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                        Footsteps - Jotaro's Travels                       
George Town, Penang, Malaysia - February 2014
We have just finished viewing and admiring the ground floor of the mansion; and are now at the first floor.

The timber staircase viewed from the top. It is not one of the most elaborate in detail, but still it does look grand.

On the first floor landing, a portrait of Cheong Fatt Tze.

At the first floor a corridor runs round the perimeter of the main air-well. From here one gets a good view of the ground floor area. This one is to the rear of the entrance hall.

A view of the dining hall.

A view of one of the staircase lobby.

The other staircase lobby.

The first-floor landing hall. Most of the rooms are rather empty and spartan, probably the furniture has been removed elsewhere.

The first-floor timber board ceiling with painted design.

The Ball Room Foyer; now used as a sitting area for guests who stay here (Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion is now operating as a boutique hotel).

An red Chinese embroidery tapestry hangs from the wall.

An elaborately carved timber panel with Chinese motifs.

A Chinese Nyonya bamboo tiffin carrierChinese Nyonya bamboo tiffin carrier sits on a rosewood side-table inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Also shown is a portrait of a younger Cheong Fatt Tze.

The first floor rear landing hall has been converted into a temporary store where a few furniture is held.

View of the main airwell cast iron railing, columns and arches.

Close up view of the airwell column header shows the intricate craftsmanship that has been put into it.

One of the rooms here seems to have been converted into a dining room.

To one corner of this dining room is a built-in cabinet where some red and blue bowls have been stacked in an interesting pattern.

View down of the residential annexe

View across the Residential Annexe showing the dark stained timber shuttered windows.

A view across the other airwell of the Residential Annexe. This one shows the timber shuttered windows opened giving us a peek into the corridor outside the bedroom. Traditional Chinese rattan chairs can be seen.

One of the rooms in the Annexe, this was probably a bedroom. On the walls can be seen some drawings.

A close up look of these drawings shows them to be detailed architectural paintings. Were these the original renderings for construction of the house, or storyboard paintings by the present day restorers.

Another rendering; these two seems to be for painting of motifs onto timber roof joists...

... like these ones at the Khoo Kongsi, Penang.

A painting showing lattice details.

Another one which also shows cornices that hold the roof joists...

... like this one, also from the Khoo Kongsi.

We are back at the Main Wing, this is the hallway that leads to one of the annexes.

Close up view of the timber partition.

Antique Chinese brass door puller handle of the door leading to balcony.
Are we finished with our tour? No. There is still the balcony!

The first floor front balcony.

At the top of the doorway is a light-box and on two sides are timber panels; all of these with Chinese characters. I am wondering are these for feng shui?

On the high level of the walls of the balcony are beautiful and colourfully carved panels. This one is above an archway.

This is one at an end wall.

And this one over a window.

The roof eave cornices also have some good detailing.

A peek of the garden...

... and that of the entrance gateway.

It has been a rewarding visit to an old mansion that has been restored as best as possible. I only wish that there were more of the original furniture and artefacts around.
Anyway, it's time to leave. Shall I take one of these rickshaws?

This blog comes in two parts -
Click here to go to Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion (Gr. Flr).

View Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion Location Map in a larger map

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