
Monday, November 4, 2013

Art Gallery Of NSW : European Art (Pre-19th Century)

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Art Gallery Of New South Wales : Pre-19th Century European Art
 September 2013
The Rest On The Flight To Egypt
- oil on canvas by Sebastiano Ricci (Itlay c1710-1711)
The Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney houses many fine pieces of artwork, too many to be put into a single blog. I have put them into several blogs, roughly following the sectional galleries of the the Gallery. Bear in mind, that nothing beat seeing these artwork life; so when you have the opportunity, head for this art gallery.

Entrance to the Art Gallery Of New South Wales
This one is from the Pre-19th Century European Art Section of the gallery. Beside each artwork are labels showing the title of the painting, the painter's name and sometimes a brief history of the painter's life.

Mary Magdalen
- oil on canvas by Bernadino Campi (Italy 1560s?)

The Deposition
- oil on canvas by Prospero Fontana (Italy 1563)

Madonna And Child With Infant St. John the Baptist
- oil on panel by Dominico Beccafumi (Italy c1542)

Girl With A Flute
- oil on canvas by Jan van Bijlert (Netherlands c1630s)

The Release Of St. Peter
- oil on canvas by Bernado Strozzi (Italy c1635)

The Dead Christ On The Cross
- oil on canvas by Giulio Cesare Procaccini (Italy c1618)

Madonna & Chold
- carved marble panel by Franceso di Simone Ferrucci (Italy c1480)

Holy Family With St. John The Baptist
- oil on canvas by Luca Cambiaso (Italy c1578)

Mucius Scaevola In The Presence Of Lars Porsenna
- oil on canvas by Matthias Stomer (Netherlands early 1640s)

Christ At The Pool Of Bethesda
- oil on canvas by Artus Wolffort (Flemish c1620-1630)

St. John The Baptist
- oil on canvas by Bartholomeo d Giovanni (Italy 1490s)

Madonna & Child With Saints Jerome, John The Baptist, Bernardino, Bartholomew
- gold leaf and tempera on panel by Sano di Pietro (Italy c1460s-1470s)

Th Sculptor's Studio
- oil on copper by Johann Georg Platzer (Austria 1730)

The Apotheosis Of A Pope And Martyr
- oil on canvas by Domenico Tiepolo (Italy c1780-1785)

St. Peter And The Vatican From The Janiculum, Rome
- oil on canvas by Richard Wilson (Wales 1757)

Bacchus And Ariadne
- oil on canvas by Jacopo Amigoni (Italy c1740-2)

The Piazza di San Marco, Venice
- oil on canvas by Antonio Canaletto (Italy 1742/46)

Edinburgh From The Calton Hill
- oil on canvas by David Roberts (Scotland 1858)

A Young Lady Holding A Pug Dog
- oil on canvas by Francois Boucher (France mid-1740s)

Madame de La Porte
- oil on canvas by Jean-Marc Nattier (France 1754)

An Extensive Landscape Near Paris
- oil on canvas by Hubert Robert (France 1781)

The Young Sportman
- oil on canvas by Robert Edge Pine (England 1766)

James, 7th Earl Of Lauderdale
- oil on canvas by Sir Joshua Reynolds (England 1759-61)

To see artwork from other sections of the gallery Click Here.

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