
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Photo Gallery - Art Gallery Of New South Wales

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Photo Gallery : Art Gallery Of New South Wales, Sydney
September 2013
During a holiday in Sydney (... see Australia : Sydney blog) we visited the Art Gallery of New South WalesThis gallery houses many fine pieces of artwork, too many to be put into a single blog. Below are separate blogs that more or less follow the different section of the gallery. Enjoy!

Even as we entered the building, art was making it's introduction to us, with painting hanging on the walls...

... and nice statuettes displayed in alcoves of the entrance foyer.

The art pieces are displayed in quiet galleries with a nice architectural design. Above are skylights letting the sunlight in to brighten up the place.

Every once in a while, at the entrance galleries, musical rendition are put on. This time a voilinist played a the accompaniment of a pianist fine musical pieces to sooth us while we walked around the gallery.
With the ambience set, let's admire the art now - click on the links/photos below to see artwork displayed at the different galleries.

Art Gallery of New South Wales - 19th Century Australian Art

Art Gallery of New South Wales - 20th & 21st Century Australian Art

Art Gallery of New South Wales - Australian Aborigine Art

Art Gallery of New South Wales - Asian Art

Art Gallery of New South Wales - Pre-19th Century European Art

Art Gallery of New South Wales - 19th Century European Art

Art Gallery of New South Wales - 20th Century European Art

Art Gallery of New South Wales - Modern Art

Art Gallery of New South Wales - Statues, Carvings & Crafts

Art Gallery of New South Wales - Photograpy by Brenda L Croft

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