
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Art Gallery - Korean Art

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                    Footsteps - Jotaro's Travels                        
Korean Art
South Korea - June 2016
These are artwork we saw at various places while on a cycling tour in South Korea. Some were murals/art pieces displayed in the open while others were from gallery shops which the owners had kindly allowed me to take photos.
I do apologise if some of the photos here have reflections in them, because of this and photography angle, some of the photos have been truncated for better presentation. Do go there personally to view for a better experience.
The artwork are presented in several blogs shown below, click on the relevant photo to view the particular blog. Enjoy!

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You are at - Jotaro's Blog / Footsteps / Korea 2016 - Art Gallery / Korean Art
(comments most welcomed. if you like this pls share via facebook or twitter)

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