
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sydney 2013 : Day 5 - Across To Manly

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                    Footsteps - Jotaro's Travels                        
Sydney 2013 : Day 5 - AcrossTo Manly
 1st October 2013
The previous day we sailed down the Parramatta River on a slow river cruise. My water-borne adventure continues as today we are going to sail across to sea to Manly Island, to see its beautiful beaches and life on the island itself.

In the early morning, after breakfast in our apartment (we really were getting to call it home), we took the train down to Circular Quay. At Wharf No.3 we waited for the ferry.
And here comes the ferry Queenscliff, very noticeably donned in yellow and dark green colours.

We opted to sit on the open deck, to feel the sea wind blowing onto our faces, to smell the saltiness of it. I have never been on a sea cruise before and this will be the closest thing to it.
Yo Hoho! And a bottle of rum! Ahoy and away we go!

In the wake of the ferry, we left Sydney, its Harbour Bridge and headed out for the open sea. The skies don't look too friendly, the landlubber in me was hoping that the sea stays calm, at least until we reach Manly.

Just as we were leaving the bay area, this red jet-boat kept on circling us, buzzing like a bee trying to get our attention. They got my attention indeed - seems kind of fun being on that boat jumping through the waves (*think sea water spraying onto the face experience).

It was a short ride, just about fifty minutes, and all too soon we were berthing at Manly Island - that's as much as my seafaring adventure went.
The seawater swirled in the turquoise sea, making a murmuring chant, like a Siren calling to us. I was hoping for a rustic island, but the place seems more built up and modern, let's get onto the landward side and see then.

Map of Manly Town Centre
The main street at Manly is The Corso, it connects the wharf to Manly Beach.

Manly is a casual place, so don't be surprised if you see people walking around just in their swimsuits along the main street.

A Navy band playing the blues adds an air of festivity to the place.

From one of the shops we got this delicious looking fish n chips that came with large slabs of fish and chunky chips. We took this away to eat at the sea front wall, hoping that the sea air will stir our appetite even more.
The wind at the beach as can be quite strong, blowing up sand into the air.
Soon, we were eating Fish 'n Chip 'n Sand!

While at the same time we had to be on guard, on the look out for pilfering friends...
... Seagulls! They can become too friendly and are most willing to share our food whether we liked it or not.

I can see why this place is a favourite with the Sydney-siders. It is very long, stretching from one end...

... to the other - with wide sandy beaches and rolling waves.

The beach is a surfers' haunt too, with the right tide surfers can come riding in on the tall breakers.

Having breathed in a healthy dose of sea air and feasted my eyes adequately on the beautiful scenery; for a change I popped over to the Manly Art Gallery & Museum. Admission is free but no photography is allowed (... see more at Manly Art Gallery blog - coming soon).

It is a small place but displays interesting paintings and photos with labels explaining some history connected to the paintings/photos.

And some unique pottery too (... see more at Manly Gallery blog).

Back at The Corso, a little boy was enjoying himself running through the spurting fountain.
It's the simple things in life that brings the most joy. The little boy was having fun and at the same time he was bringing smiles to our faces as we watched him while slurping delicious ice-cream.

On the return ferry trip, we decided to sit inside. It's a good thing too, as the wind was pretty strong. Each time somebody opens the door, they really had to push hard to get it opened. And when it does open.... Whooosh! the wind will come strongly in and blow up their hair.

And it was much worst outside.
No, this girl did not see a ghost to cause her hair to stand on ends; and no, it's not the latest hair trend. It's the wind.

Barring the strong wind, the ferry ride did present us with a good view of the Opera House.

Exiting at Circular Quay, we were pleasantly surprised by an aborigine performing a dance to the accompaniment of his mate's didgeridoo music.
The showman in me got the better of me, as soon I was dancing along with him (see the top-most photo)!

With time to spare, we popped into the nearby Museum Of Contemporary Art.

I can't paint for hoots but I just love art!

(... for more see Sydney MOCA blog - coming soon).

Dinner this time at Market City was Indian curries eaten with deep fried puris and white Basmati rice. It's our way of keeping a balance diet - Western food during the day and eastern fare at night. *smiles*
(Let you all in on a secret - they serve the best Mango Lassi that I have ever eaten, one that is thick and have good taste of mango without being overly sour or sweet.)
(... see more at Sydney Indian Curry House blog).

The evening sky was surrealistically, gloomily beautiful.
Perhaps it's the city is showing its mood, saying a sad but beautiful goodbye as we will be leaving early tomorrow morning.


Related Blogs :

Cambodia : Phnom Penh Museums : December 2012
A surprisingly educational visit to the National Museum of Cambodia.

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